Breizh a Gan, in partnership with the Kenleur confederation, is a major festival of Breton choral singing, held every year on the first Sunday in December since 1982.
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The 43rd Breizh a Gan will take place on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 December 2025 in Saint-Brieuc.
More information to follow!
A look back at the 42nd Breizh A Gan in pictures
Breizh a Gan 2024: A special edition in Saint-Malo

Once again this year, the Breizh a Gan will be held over two days: Saturday 30 November and Sunday 1 December 2024 in Saint-Malo.
It is organised in collaboration with the Festival Folklore du Monde.
In addition, for its 42nd edition, the Fédération Kanomp Breizh wishes to highlight Breton polyphonic singing.
Saturday 30th November
Study day – Mairie Annexe de Paramé
Just like last year, we will be holding another study day on Saturday, organised in collaboration with the CRBC (Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique).
The aim of this day is to continue research into the specific features of choral singing in the Breton language by inviting specialists in the field to discuss and compare their information and points of view on the subject.
For this 42nd edition, our focus will be on the creation of choral works, with a particular emphasis on the musical and literary aspects.

Below is the list of speakers who will take part in this study day:
- Yves Coativy (Director of the CRBC): Introduction to the study day
- Jean-Pierre Thomin (President of the Fédération Kanomp Breizh and associate researcher at the CRBC) and Guy Pouliquen (choirmaster and musician): The state of play/history of the great works from the 19th century to the present day
- Jean-Yves Le Coz (Kanomp Breizh) : La création chantée et musicale : une interprétation d’Alan Stivell
- Karl Blanchet (Dancer and choreographer with the Cercle Quic en Groigne in Saint-Malo) : Cultural creation: the approach to cultural creation in an artistic field other than singing
- Mickaël Courdesses (Singer, musician and choral conductor with a DEM in choral conducting from the Montauban Conservatoire.) : How are things elsewhere? (an outside angle in regional language)
Practical information:
- Address: Mairie Annexe de Paramé (5 Place du marché, 35000 SAINT-MALO)
- Price: Free, registration required
- Schedule: 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm
- Registration:
Sung meal - Panoramic Restaurant at the ‘Horizon et Gastronomie’ racecourse
After the study day, the first day of Breizh a Gan will end with a singing meal led by the Kan Dre Gan choir from Rennes, directed by Yves Le Martret.
Menu :
- Main course : Braised duck legs with turnips
- Dessert: Lemon meringue pie

- Practical information:
- Address: Restaurant panoramique de l’hippodrome ‘Horizon et Gastronomie’ (9 rue triquerville, 35000 SAINT-MALO)
- Price: €20
- Schedule: 7pm
- Booking : Les inscriptions sont closes depuis le 22 novembre !
Sunday 1st December
On Sunday 1 December, Breizh A Gan itself, a major concert of Breton choral singing, will be held at the Eglise Notre-Dame-des-Grèves de Rocabey in Saint-Malo.
1st part :
For this 42nd edition in Saint-Malo, Kanomp Breizh wanted to give pride of place to local choirs.
So in the first part we find :
- Kan Dre Gan, directed by Yves Le Martret
- Kanomp Ar Vro Sant Brieg, directed by Anna Al Lae
- Kanerien Ar Goëlo, directed by Rob Mitchell
2nd part:
Mouezh Paotred Breizh (directed by Jean-Marie Airault)
For 30 years now, the singers of Mouezh Paotred Breizh, from the region’s 5 historic Breton departments, have been bringing Breton culture to life through polyphonic singing.
Conducted since its creation by Jean-Marie Airault and accompanied by a handful of traditional musicians, Mouezh Paotred Breizh takes you on a unique journey through Brittany, sharing moments of emotion and energy.
Guest of honour at Breizh a Gan as Brittany’s choir champions (for the 8th time!), it’s always a moving moment to be swept away by the power of these men’s voices, skilfully enhanced by the tailor-made harmonies.
The Brittany Choral Ensemble (directed by Jean-Marie Airault)
The Choral Ensemble is made up of around a hundred singers from sixteen choirs that are members of Kanomp Breizh. They come from all over Brittany, from Ploudalmézeau to Nantes. These choral singing enthusiasts are led by an experienced conductor who is just as passionate about bringing Breton choral singing to life: Jean-Marie Airault. They are accompanied on stage by an instrumental ensemble.
The Ensemble Choral de Bretagne will be presenting a new repertoire: the Best-Of extracts from the great Breton cantatas.
It’s sure to warm and delight audiences in Saint Malo!

Practical information:
- Address: Église Notre-Dame-des-Grèves de Rocabey in Saint-Malo
- Schedule: 2.30 p.m.: Doors open – 3 p.m.: Concert begins
Online reservations
- Helloasso
- Kanomp Breizh (by sending a cheque payable to Kanomp Breizh: cz/ JP Thomin, 200 rue de la Petite Palud – 29800 LANDERNEAU)

A look back at the 41st Breizh a Gan in pictures
Breizh a Gan 2023 in Vannes: An edition dedicated to the singing of Vannes
Once again this year, the Breizh a Gan will be held over two days: Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 December 2023 in Vannes. In addition, for its 41st edition, the Fédération Kanomp Breizh wants to highlight choral singing from the Vannes region.

Please find below the Breizh A Gan programme by day.
Saturday 2 December
Study day - Ti Ar Vro Bro Gwened
Just like last year, we will be holding another study day on Saturday under the CRBC label. The aim of this study day is to examine the specific characteristics of choral singing in the Vannes region, inviting specialists in the field to discuss and compare their information and points of view on the subject.
La journée d’étude aura lieu dans l’amphithéâtre des locaux de Ti Ar Vro Bro Gwened.
Below is the list of speakers who will take part in this study day:
- Yves Coativy (Director of the CRBC): Introduction to the study day
- Jean-Pierre Thomin (President of the Fédération Kanomp Breizh and associate researcher at the CRBC): Bleun-Brug vannetais
- Myriam Guillevic (Senior Lecturer) : Vannes choral singing
- Anne-Marie Dumerchat-Schouten (Associate Researcher at the CRBC): The work of Jef Le Penven.
- Philippe Le Ferrand (Successeur du Père Adrien Collet au sein de la chorale Sylvia) / André Guillevic (Recteur de la paroisse et du sanctuaire de Sainte-Anne-d’Auray et est à l’origine de l’Académie de Musique et d’Arts Sacrés) / Bruno Belliot (Directeur de l’Académie de Musique et d’Arts Sacrés) : L’importance de Sainte-Anne-d’Auray dans le mouvement choral vannetais

Practical information:
- Address: Ti Ar Vro Bro Gwened – 3 rue de la Loi 56000 VANNES
- Price: Free with registration
- Schedule: 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm
- Capacity: 200 people
- Registration: / 06 32 29 79 29
Meal with song - Espace Montcalm
- Après la journée d’étude, le samedi se terminera par un repas chanté animé par un groupe de chanteurs de Kanerion An Oriant.
Menu :
- Starter: Scallops au gratin with leeks and mushrooms
- Main course: “Rost er Forn” (traditional pork roast from Vannes)
- Dessert: Fresh fruit salad
The evening will take place at Espace Montcalm in Vannes.

Practical information:
- Address: Espace Montcalm – 55 rue Monseigneur Tréhiou 56000 VANNES
- Price: €25
- Schedule: 7pm
- Capacity: 150 people
- Registration: Registration closed on 25 November.
Sunday 3 December
On Sunday 3 December, Breizh A Gan itself, a major Breton choral concert, will be held in Vannes cathedral.
1st part :
For this 41st edition in Vannes, Kanomp Breizh wanted to honour the choirs of the Vannes region.
So in the first part we find :
- Chœur An Alré, dirigé par Françoise Pasco
- Kanerion An Oriant, dirigé par Loïc Rousseau
- Kanerion Pleuigner, directed by Alain Le Hénanff
2nd part:
Anna Vreizh (directed by Bernard Quemener)
Anna Vreizh was founded over 20 years ago by the talented choral conductor Yvonne Breilly-Le Calvez (who died earlier this year). Now directed by Bernard Quemener, the choir promotes culture in Loire-Atlantique by singing traditional and contemporary Breton songs. Anna Vreizh’s enthusiasm and inventiveness paid off this year, as the choir won the 2023 Brittany Choir Championship and is now the reigning champion.
The Brittany Choral Ensemble (directed by Jean-Marie Airault)
The Choral Ensemble is made up of around a hundred singers from sixteen choirs that are members of Kanomp Breizh. They come from all over Brittany, from Ploudalmézeau to Nantes. These choral singing enthusiasts are led by an experienced conductor who is just as passionate about bringing Breton choral singing to life: Jean-Marie Airault. They are accompanied on stage by an instrumental ensemble.
Après avoir fait vibrer le Palais des Congrès de Lorient en août dernier dans le cadre du Festival Interceltique de Lorient, L’Ensemble Choral de Bretagne présentera de nouveau l’oratorio celtique pour chœurs et instruments Izild a Vreizh de Jean-Yves Le Ven, dont les textes ont été écrits par Jéva Omnes. Voilà de quoi réchauffer et ravir le public vannetais !
This poem, written in successive tableaux, takes us from Ireland and Cornwall to the shores of Penmarc’h, where our heroes meet their tragic end. In this suite of 14 choirs and 3 instrumental pieces, the original compositions are interspersed with traditional themes where melodies and dances alternate between jig, gavotte, real and an-dro.

Practical information:
- Address: Vannes Cathedral
- Schedule: 2.30 p.m.: Doors open – 3 p.m.: Concert begins
Online reservations
- Helloasso
- Kanomp Breizh (by sending a cheque payable to Kanomp Breizh: cz/ JP Thomin, 200 rue de la Petite Palud – 29800 LANDERNEAU)
- Gulf of Morbihan Office
For more information:

A look back at the 40th Breizh A Gan in pictures
A look back at the 40th Breizh A Gan in pictures
This year, Breizh A Gan will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in Saint-Pol-de-Léon! For the occasion, the event will be held exceptionally over 2 days, on the weekend of 03 and 04 December 2022.
Please find below the Breizh A Gan programme by day.
Saturday 03 December
Study day on choral singing - Château de Kerjean
On Saturday 03 December, a study day on Breton choral singing will be held at the Château de Kerjean in partnership with the CRBC (Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique). This study day will be divided into two parts. The first part will be devoted to the origins of choral singing in Breton (through papers), while the second part will look at the future prospects for this cultural discipline (in a round-table discussion with those involved in choral singing).
More information on the speakers at this study day will be announced shortly!

- Address: Route de Kerjean, 29440 Saint-Vougay
- Price: Free with registration
- Schedule: 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm
- Capacity: 80 people
- Registration: / 06 32 29 79 29
Sung meal - Auberge de Pen Ar Prat

Saturday will end with a sing-along meal at the Pen Ar Prat inn, hosted by the Paotred Pagan choir, directed by Yann-Ber Premel!
- Address: Pen Ar Prat – 29250 Saint-Pol-de-Léon
- Menu: Grilled pig with potatoes and vegetable stew
- Price: €20
- Schedule: 7pm
- Capacity: 130 people
- Bookings closed on 25 November.
- Further information: / 06 32 29 79 29
Sunday 04 December
On Sunday 04 December, Breizh A Gan itself, a major Breton choral concert, will be held at Saint-Pol-de-Léon cathedral.

1st part of concert :
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Breizh A Gan, Kanomp Breizh wanted as many of its member choirs as possible to take part in the 1st part of the concert. That’s why the choirs have grouped together by terroir to present a joint programme exclusively for the public!

2nd part of the concert :
Mouezh Paotred Breizh (Directed by Jean-Marie Airault)
This choir, seven-time champions of Brittany, is the reigning champion. Renowned wherever it performs for the quality of its interpretations, Mouezh Paotred Breizh was founded on the model of the Welsh choirs to take part in the World Choir gathering in Atlanta in 1993. Since then, he has never wavered from his high standards, giving numerous concerts every year in Brittany, France and abroad.
The Brittany Choral Ensemble (directed by Jean-Marie Airault)
The Choral Ensemble is made up of around a hundred singers from sixteen choirs that are members of Kanomp Breizh. They come from all over Brittany, from Ploudalmézeau to Nantes. These choral singing enthusiasts are led by an experienced conductor who is just as passionate about bringing Breton choral singing to life: Jean-Marie Airault. They are accompanied on stage by an instrumental ensemble.

- Address: Saint-Pol-de-Léon Cathedral
- Schedule: 2.30 p.m.: Doors open – 3 p.m.: Concert begins
- Helloasso
- Ticketmaster
- France Billet
- Kanomp Breizh (by sending a cheque payable to Kanomp Breizh: cz/ JP Thomin, 200 rue de la Petite Palud – 29800 LANDERNEAU)
You can also buy tickets for Breizh A Gan at the Saint-Pol-de-Léon Tourist Office. / 06 32 29 79 29